If you are want to discover some cool apps which will be beneficial for you and interesting then you have come to the right place here I have mentioned and thoroughly explained some interesting android apps which will be beneficial and interesting for you.  

NO 1. Interesting and beneficial app - LastPass password manager

These days we come across many websites and apps which required to have an account like Amazon, Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, etc, and keeping information of all these id and passwords in your mind is not an easy task. I'm sure you would be forgetting and also faced to recover some forgotten info(sometimes it's irrecoverable too) so we have a free tool which will make our job easy. In Laspas you securely save all the id and passwords and use it when necessary, it also autofill the password box of a site if you have saved the password in the LastPass app. it not only remember all the details of your very important account but also generates and random passwords for you when some websites ask you to set a password which includes some uppercase, lower case numbers, special character, numbers, etc. So yes its time to use the tool and clean some space of your memory.

Install Lastpass from play storehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lastpass.lpandroid&hl=en

NO 2. Interesting and beneficial app- Alarm Clock Alarmy 

The next app in the list of top best interesting apps is Alarmy, You might be wondering what's special in an alarm app! but yes there is something special you might be unknown. This alarm app is not like any alarm app it has something different. what? look below.

As you can see in its name is made of alarm+army, it performs a mission to wakeup you!

  • Math mission- It's a fantastic idea by the developer to make you wake up, in this feature you have to solve some math problems(small addition or multiplication) to stop the ringing alarm. Until you give the right answer to the asked question you can not turn the alarm off, and after you solve the problem your sleep would have gone. isn't it interesting and beneficial?
  • Photo mission- when it rings you have to take the picture of a place which you have added before in it. (Like we add our face in our phone to enable face to unlock)
  • Barcode mission- In this mission, you have to scan the previously registered barcode to off the alarm.
  • Shake mission - In this mission, you will have to shake the phone to wakeup your body(you can set the shaking number 1-999)

And many more there in the paid version like typing mission, step mission, etc.

Install Alarmy from play store- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=droom.sleepIfUCan&hl=en_IN

NO 3. Interesting and beneficial app - Sleep Monitor and sleep cycle tracker.

sleep is the thing which makes the physical and mental growth, If you are going gym then having enough sleep is unavoidable, in simple terms the muscles you break there, by performing exercises are repaired in a big amount during the time of sleep. This is how our muscles grow bigger gradually. Without having proper sleep you can not achieve the best result. Like that in the case of the brain from solving a math problem to solving a family, the dispute is also the mental exercises those neurons need to nurtured and repaired and it happens only when you are in a deep sleep. A complete sleep during the night is comprised of a 4-5 sleeping cycle and each cycle is of 1-2 hours. Usually, we pass 4 sleeping cycles in one sleep, 4th cycle is the dreaming cycle, in this cycle, we dream, and when it finishes in the 5th cycle we complete a light sleep. But this system doesn't work when we are in depression, consumption of alcohol, or other intoxicating drugs.  So it becomes an important thing to know whether we are getting good quality sleep or not.

Look at the inevitable features which will help you a lot to get good sleep.-

  • track your sleeping- sleep monitor records your sleep cycle and the sleeping details to help you to understand the status or quality of your sleep. 

  • Sonar: Revolutionary contact-less ultrasonic sleep tracking (no need for the phone in bed).
  • Sleep Score:- your sleep quality is made up of duration, deficit, deep sleep %, snoring, efficiency, irregularity
  • Natural relaxing sound Fall asleep fast- whales, storm, sea, chants, etc sound
  • Sleep talk detecting, snoring detecting and anti-snoring
  • Sleep respiration tracking.

 Install This app from play store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.urbandroid.sleep&hl=en_US

NO4. Interesting and beneficial app - Heart rate monitor

Yes, you read it right, heart rate monitor is an app by which you can track your heart rate accurately without having a smart band or any other devices(I love this app). An adult's normal heart rate while resting should be 60-100, but sometimes it varies because of your fitness level, tension, emotion, drug, etc. To measure your heart rate simply place your finger on your camera by turning the flash on and then click the track button, now wait for a couple of seconds it will show you your heart rate accurately.

How does it work?

This app looks at the core of your skin and observes the change in color because of the blood pumped by the heart, each change is one beat as a change in color happens only when a pump of blood comes to the finger. please note though it tracks heart rate accurately, it might not be used for medical purposes, consult your doctor for that purpose.

Install heart rate monitor form play store- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.repsi.heartrate&hl=en_IN&gl=US

NO 5. Interesting and beneficial app - Manual Camera

When we buy a new phone for some days we would be fond of it in the case of a camera we open it 20 times a day and take unnecessary pics( I do like this and I think many of our readers also would do the same). But when it became a little old then? we get a boring feeling when looking at that camera icon right? We are going to remove that boring by installing this manual camera app. Yes, it gives you a completely different taste, Its like a DSLR camera. 

what's special there?

Fast video motion - you must have listened to the terms time-lapse and slow motion, Yes its the feature by using which we can make the speed of the video fast or slow. Like we can capture the slow-moving cloud and make its output with impressive fast speed or a fast-moving train and make its speed slow. Isn't it interesting?

The best image in low light.-

How cool it would be if your phone can take bright pics even in the dark? interesting na? In this app you can do it, not only it takes fantastic images in the dark but also the look of the interface of the app is so interesting. Though this feature available in the inbuilt camera app of our phone many of us don't know about it and we never use it because its difficult to find that option and we are reluctant to pay the effort. Here in this camera, it's so interesting as you can see in the given image.

Macro photography-

In this feature, we can take a big size and a clear image of a very small object. If you are interested in taking pics of flowers, small insects, etc, then it's a great feature for you.

Some more professional features of this app-

  • Real-time filter or color effect 
  • slow motion
  • set video frame rate and bit rate
  • interval meter
  • control shutter speed
  • manual iso
  • manual focus
  • control white balance
  • 4k camera recording(in supported devices)
  • slow-motion video
  • geotagging
  • control exposure
  • save raw photo
Install manual camera form play store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lensesdev.manual.camera.pro